METS is an evolving software product that has periodically updated as new features are added or existing ones are enhanced. This document is current as of the date of its publication.

METS (Medicare Enrollment Tracking System) is designed to present users with all relevant member data on a single-screen. This unique feature reduces him number of keystrokes necessary to perform day-to-day functions. The left portion of the home page provides a navigation menu which can be used to quickly direct a user to a specific feature of choice. In order to minimize excessive scrolling, the home page is interspersed with the 'Save' button in various locations so that user may quickly save their work. The single screen architecture is especially conducive to ease-of-use because it always presents data on the same window without opening sub-screens or pop-ups. This feature ensures that user don't have to navigate among different screens in order to perform various functions.

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